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SOG Systeme

SOG Exhaust System Typ H Doorversion

SOG Exhaust System Typ H Doorversion

Regular price $269.90 USD
Regular price $299.90 USD Sale price $269.90 USD
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SOG® Type H | Door version | Filter housing, suitable for all Thetford C220

(Rotating bowl toilet | Waste-holding tank with wheels)
The following effect is achieved through a small high-performance fan specially developed for and with SOG® (resistant to the aggressive components in the intake air from the sewage tank | waterproof)

switches on automatically when the toilet slide is opened and creates a negative pressure in the waste-holding tank
this creates a "suction" at the valve opening, which sucks in fresh air and also the smells that arise during use and directs it outside
the inward flow of air also behaves like a seal and fully prevents any unpleasant biogases from rising out of the tank (Comfort without odor)
the system switches off automatically when the toilet valve is closed, but continues to provide permanent aeration – as the oxygen supply – through a pipe or hose connection that is always open to the outside, thereby promoting the decomposition process

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